EPA to Host Webinar on Newly Released Indoor AirPlus Version 2

The Environmental Protections Agency (EPA) has updated its Indoor AirPlus (IAP) program to include some new features.  IAP Version 2 is available for homes and multifamily buildings permitted on or after August 1, 2024. The Version 1 specifications and program framework can also continue to be used for homes and multifamily buildings permitted before January 2026 (eligibility dates subject to change). The EPA is set to host a webinar on September 5 12:00-12:45 p.m. EDT, which will provide an overview of the updated IAP website and the revised program requirements.

In response to stakeholder feedback, the new Indoor AirPlus program has a tiered set of certification requirements for two separate labels. IAP V2 provides a focus on strategies to improve indoor air quality (IAQ) that can be implemented affordably to further assist disadvantaged communities.

A key component of the IAP V2 updates is that ENERGY STAR will only be a prerequisite for the IAP V2 Gold Certification. But builders who have never done ENERGY STAR before may now earn Indoor AirPlus Certification independently if they choose to do so.

Builders who prioritize green features in their projects – including some NAHB members - tend to stay up-to-date with new certifications. NAHB Healthier Homes & Communities Subcommittee Chair Marla Cloos believes this updated certification will be helpful for fellow members. “The new changes will benefit our members as we strive to improve the health of our indoor environment,” said Cloos.

Other elements addressed in Version 2 include: addressing affordability; performance-based and outcome-based approaches to IAQ; strategies to improve IAQ protections in a tiered program model; enhanced IAQ and energy efficiency with Indoor AirPlus Gold; verification process updates; oversight and quality assurance by home certification organizations; and expiration and re-certification.

Learn more and tune into the webinar on EPA.gov.

*Note: All articles have been redistributed from NAHB.com*

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